Omni Healthcare | Case Study
CASE STUDY - Scope of Work (August 2017 - January 2018)
OMNI Healthcare is an affordable health clinic that was founded on the belief that everyone has the right to affordable and quality healthcare. The focus of the clinic is to offer low cost health care services while also offering caring and patient- centered service. Prior to working with Exclusive PR, OMNI Healthcare had limited digital presence and did not have a website presence. Prior to meeting with Exclusive PR, OMNI Healthcare was ready to expand their business by utilizing a cohesive public relations strategy. Our team was tasked with generating publicity for OMNI Healthcare through earned media placements and personal branding of select staff members.
Our Work:
We were approached with a truly unique opportunity to develop a public relations campaign for OMNI Healthcare. Our first objective was to build an easy to use website for potential patients to access contact information, locations of clinics, and offered services. It was our priority to ensure the website was easy to navigate and fully functional.
Once the website was completed, we began creating strong personal branding profiles for the Business Development Director, Theresa Siaw and Dr. Mizuno. Dr. Eric Mizuno is a board certified, top ranked internist specializing in preventing and reversing diseases through nutritional and natural methods. He is also an Associate Professor at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. Community members view Dr. Mizuno and the OMNI staff as more than just medical professionals; they are dedicated philanthropists in the eyes of their community. After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Dr. Mizuno and Theresa Siaw began collecting supplies for victims. They were one of the first civilian planes to land on the island to help with relief efforts.
In order to make this campaign successful, it was necessary for a strong and passionate media relations strategy to encompass the activities that OMNI Healthcare would host moving forward. Creating strong personal branding profiles for the rest of the staff would aid in securing numerous earned media placements. Following several media placements and television segments covering OMNI Healthcare’s efforts in Puerto Rico and other initiatives, we were able to showcase how powerful this clinics work is in the community.
CBS2 Chicago
DNA Info
Windy City Cosmo
Medical Economics
Examples of Earned Placements:
DNA Info-Free Backpacks, Haircuts At Humboldt Park Back-To-School Giveaway
CBS 2-Medical Mission To Puerto Rico
CBS 2-Healthcare Professionals, Natural Disaster Team Take Their Skills To Puerto Rico
WGN- Clinic offering free health care to Puerto Ricans in Chicago impacted by hurricane
Windy City Cosmo-Haircuts, Games, and Backpacks for Back to School
ABC 7- Puerto Rico hurricane survivors arrive at O'Hare: 'It's bad, it's horrible'
ABC 7-Rep. Gutierrez heads to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico with supplies
CBS 2-Humboldt Park Health Clinic Hands Out 300 Turkeys
Chicagoly- How Humboldt Park is Caring for Hurricane Survivors
Univision-Warming Center for Homeless During the Day Will Open Doors on January 2nd in Humboldt Park
Medical Economics- Volunteering as a Way to Recharge Burned-Out Physicians