City Hospital of White Rock | Case Study
CASE STUDY - Scope of Work
March 2021
Media & Press Report
Our team was hired to coordinate and execute the Moderna Vaccine rollout at City Hospital at White Rock the week of January 4, 2021. This entailed planning the day's logistics, inviting and pitching the media, preparing Dr. Myers, and booking interviews, Once these interviewers were complete, we tracked them to completion so they ran on the news stations and were posted on their respective websites for further reach and exposure.
In addition, we also partnered with a long-time Dallas-based publicist to be our local press contact and onsite liaison. We were able to secure a few television interviews with Dr. John Myers on ABC, CBS, and Good Morning America to discuss COVID Vaccinations and the importance of receiving the second dose.
Overall, the media day and the launch of this contract were successful. Multiple news stations covered the news and messaging we got out to the public was positive and useful. Dr. Myers was effective and compassionate on camera and we were contacted by other media after the fact to get his perspective, which is always a good sign in regard to our performance.
TV News Segments
Good Morning America
Race To Vaccinate
Featuring: Dr. John Myers
Some Dallas Doctors ‘Stunned’ That Dozens Who Got COVID-19 Vaccine Have Not Returned For 2nd Dose
Featuring: Dr. John Myers
1/8/2021 5:57 PM
Value: NA
1/6/2021 12:10:50 AM
Local Market Viewership: 23,915
Local Publicity Value: $1,836.54 Per :30
1/5/2021 9:10:55 PM
Local Market Viewership: 234,666
Local Publicity Value: $58,913.40 Per :30
1/5/2021 10:38:33 PM
Local Market Viewership: 89,582
Local Publicity Value: $20,650.40 Per :30