MIMIT Health.
CASE STUDY - Scope of Work June 2018-April 2019
MIMIT Health is a multi- specialty group offering access to great new resources and technology and a promise to help patients who are dealing with acute and chronic illnesses, stay healthy and bring back to a state of balance and well-being.
Comprised of physicians, surgeons, and Midlevel providers who specialize in minimally invasive, targeted treatments that offer reduced risk, reduced pain and shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgery. Today many conditions that once required surgery can be treated less invasively by our physicians.
MIMIT physicians are committed to offering minimally invasive, image–guided techniques to diagnose and treat a number of vascular and non–vascular conditions. They have a team of experts who are dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality of care. Their goal at MIMIT is to educate and empower patients along with their families to make the decision that is best for the patient.
MIMIT has several clinics that offer minimally invasive surgeries throughout Chicago and Illinois. One of their main objectives that they wanted to promote was their Uterine Fibroid Embolization procedure. Exclusive PR believed that MIMIT could prove to be very successful by practicing this specialized component of medicine. After an assessment of current marketing, press, and social media channels; Exclusive PR decided that through the proper brand management, MIMIT has an intriguing story to share with the world, locally and regionally.
MIMIT utilized some means of press and media coverage prior, but had not had a consistent strategy or PR agency to ensure a cohesive brand message. MIMIT had some difficulties encouraging the demographic they were seeking to book procedures at Chicago Fibroid Clinic and MIMIT. Through the proper messaging and personal branding tactics, Exclusive PR believed that MIMIT and Chicago Fibroid Clinic could have wonderful opportunities in the press which will lead to more awareness for potential business and patient clientele.
Our Work:
The universal goal for Midwest Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapies (MIMIT) was to create a unified brand platform strategy and brand awareness. PR was utilized to gain brand awareness and create exposure in the marketplace. The main mission was to assist MIMIT in being recognized by the media as a true player in the health and medical field.
MIMIT needed a website that links back and forth between the www.themimit.com website and the www.chicagofibroidclinic.com website. Prior, it was confusing for brand messaging for MIMIT and Chicago Fibroid Clinic. Each website now showcases that they are both the same clinic, but just offering an array of services.
Examples of Type of Results:
Ideamensch: Entrepreneurial Journey
Univision Chicago: Uterine Fibroid Treatment
Chicago Defender: Prevalence of Fibroids in African American American Community
Thrive Global: Best Practices of a Physician
Scary Symptoms: Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment
Earned Media Placements (Interviews):
Ideamensch: Entrepreneur Journey
Univision Chicago: What are Uterine Fibroids and What is the Importance of their Detection
Women Daily Magazine: The Summer is Filled with White, Blue, and Maybe Red?
Future Tech Podcast: Minimum to Maximum: Dr. Paramjit Chopra
Chicago Defender: How is Our Health; Check Up on Black America
Healthy Moms Magazine: Are You Avoiding Your Doctor
Thrive Global: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
Authority Magazine: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
Health and Beauty Girl: Healthy is Beautiful, Beautiful is Healthy
Scary Symptoms: Deep Vein Thrombosis
Scary Symptoms: DVT Risk After Joint Replacement
Scary Symptoms: DVT Detection with Urine
Scary Symptoms: DVT Risk with Cast or Splint
Radiology Today: A New Frontier: Utility of DR